

26 Items

  1. Zonnekindpoppen maken
    Art. 65211302
  2. Child of Nature
    Art. 65214000
  3. Crafting A Felt Farm
    Art. 65410000
  4. Vilten met kinderen
    Art. 65410012
  5. Sewing/Waldorf Dolls
    Art. 65410030
  6. Waldorfpuppen
    Art. 65410031
  7. Waldorfpoppen
    Art. 65410032
  8. Magical Window Stars
    Art. 65410040
  9. Zauberhafte Fenstersterne
    Art. 65410041
  10. Crafts Through the Year
    Art. 65410110
  11. Seizoenenknutselboek
    Art. 65410112
  12. The Nature Corner
    Art. 65410120
  13. Magic Wool Fruit Children
    Art. 65410130
  14. Süße Früchtchen aus Märchenwolle
    Art. 65410131
  15. Magic Wool Mermaids, Fairies and Nymphs Through the Seasons
    Art. 65410150
  16. Feen, Nymphen, Nixen aus Märchenwolle
    Art. 65410151
  17. Feeën en nimfen van sprookjeswol
    Art. 65410152
  18. Transparent Window Scenes Through the Year
    Art. 65410160
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