Art for all ages

Quality products for education and creativity

with heart, head and hands

Discover our assortment

High-quality products for creative education

Working together with Waldorf schools since 1986

Socially and environmentally responsible

Discover Stockmar's fantastic range

Top-quality art supplies, from modelling and decorating beeswax and wax crayons to watercolour paints and more!

Mercurius @WECAN conference 2025!

Will you be attending too? Be sure to stop by Mercurius in the Vendor Hall—we look forward to seeing you there!

We’re planting trees again!

To minimize our environmental footprint and offset 250 tons of CO2, Mercurius is planting around 20,000 m² (5 acres) of forest at Bio Agroforestry 'Janmiekeshoeve,' near our headquarters in the Netherlands. We started this project last year, but many trees were lost due to heavy rainfall. Recently, our Dutch colleagues planted new trees, and we’re hopeful that this year they will thrive!

International partners


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About us

Mercurius succeeds by providing school and retail customers with the best products available at fair prices, by collaborating constructively with customers and vendors, and by using business to inspire and implement solutions to social and environmental needs.
Learn more about us

Mercurius Team


  • Is the worldwide distributor for Stockmar and specialist in quality supplies for schools and retailers
  • Is the leading supplier to Waldorf schools worldwide
  • Combines years of experience with energy and innovation
  • Offers a core selection of products internationally
  • Is dependable and committed to collaborating with our customers
  • Actively embraces social and environmental responsibilities
  • Subjects all products to extensive safety and environmental testing
  • Is committed to offering only quality, safe products that meet all applicable standards